It’s time to get your circadian rhythm back on beat. Dr. Richard Hansler of the Lighting Innovations Institute explains how blue light disrupts the production of melatonin in the pineal gland, making it difficult to fall asleep.
November 2012
Dear Listeners, Though today is the day of Thanksgiving distinctiveness in the USA, may all of your days be filled with thankfulness, sweetness, togetherness and the fullness of knowing that there is always plenty of clean fresh water and healthy organic food in your midst. May you never go without and may you never experience […] Read more
Happy Thanksgiving! It’s Rainmaking Time!® wishes you all good health, wonderful gatherings with family and friends, and joyfulness for the Thanksgiving holiday. We appreciate your continued viewership and support. Although there is strife in many parts of the world, we feel that the spirit of Thanksgiving is a wonderful thing to experience all year round. […] Read more
GATA Chairman Bill Murphy discusses the outcome of GATA’s lawsuit against the Federal Reserve under the Freedom of Information Act, the Fed’s secret gold swap arrangements with foreign banks, the United States Treasury’s power to confiscate wealth, and the mechanisms used to fix the market and suppress the real price of gold and other precious metals.