Our Guests span a broad variety of professions, often with vastly different frames of reference, experience, and expertise. Many are front-runners in their fields offering beneficial information and tools for the public. We invite guests to the show as if we were inviting them home for dinner.
While Guest selection involves considerable due diligence, It’s Rainmaking Time! is not an investigative agency. We do our best to ensure that our guests are committed to the advancement of human knowledge, prosperity, and endeavor. Sometimes troublemakers and disinformation agents end up in the mix.
The late, great Dr. Edward Deming taught something very important about quality: that a small statistical percentage of bad quality is unavoidable. Instead of focusing on bad apples, we’ve chosen to focus on producing meaningful segments and maintaining a high level of integrity and quality. Interviews with guests who misrepresent themselves or their work, use bad business practices, or harass the host may be removed.
We hope you enjoy the show and share it with all your friends!
* Indicates our Guests who have sadly passed away. May they rest in peace!
- Richard Bach
- Heidi Baker
- Michael Baigent*
- Dr. Laleh Bakhtiar
- Dr. Tim Ball*
- Austin Beaumont
- Paul Becker
- Dr. Nick Begich
- Rich Bergstrom
- Jim Berkland*
- Ben Best
- John Biancardi
- John Bird
- Dr. Pierre-Alexandre Blanch
- Dr. Dean Bonlie*
- Manfred Bower
- Paul & Marilyn Brentlinger
- Thomas Brooman
- Carol Brouillet
- Ellen Brown
- Randy Brown
- Dr. David Brownstein
- Lyn Buchanan
- Allan Buckman*
- Karen Budd-Falen
- Walter Burien
- Dr. Helen Caldicott
- Phil Campbell
- Barry Carter
- Dr. Edmund Chein
- Scott Cleland
- Rodney Cluff
- Dr. Sharon Cobb
- Robert Cohen
- Dr. Michael Colgan
- Michael Connelly
- Paul Connett
- Trevor James Constable*
- Dr. Piers Corbyn
- Bill Cox*
- Dianne Crampton
- Guy Cramer
- Michael Cremo
- Pat Criscito
- Carol & Don Croft*
- Joseph Curiale
- Jon Gabriel
- Eilene Galloway*
- John Taylor Gatto*
- Dr. Michael Gershon
- Jon Gertner
- George Gilder
- Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman
- Michael Glickman
- Dr. Peter Glidden
- Esther Gokhale
- Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez*
- Dr. Garry Gordon
- Raymon Grace
- Robert Greene
- G. Edward Griffin
- Pam Grout
- Mireille Guiliano
- Arnie Gundersen
- Carol Gurney
- Steven Halpern
- Dr. Richard Hansler
- Mary Hardy
- Barbara Harper
- Daniel Hathaway
- Dr. Magda Havas
- Ruth Hedges
- Dr. Simeon Hein
- Roberta Herzog*
- Dr. Steven Hickey
- Timothy Hickey
- Polly Higgins
- Dan Hill
- Ace Hoffman
- Henry Mark Holzer
- Aiko Hormann
- Dr. Michael Holick
- Art Horn
- Michael Horn
- Dr. Len Horowitz
- Karen Hudes*
- Dr. Hal Huggins*
- Jim Humble
- Sandee Mac
- Michael MacDonald
- Andy Mackie*
- Annie Machon
- Kathleen Marden
- Michael Markowski
- Petrus (Piet) Martens
- Howard Martin
- Stefania Masoni
- Dr. Gabor Maté
- Daniel Matt
- Glynis McCants
- Gladys McCoy
- Angus McIntosh*
- Alystar McKenneh
- Lloyd Mear*
- Dr. John Medeiros
- Gavin Menzies*
- Dr. Karl Meret
- Betsy Mettler
- Reggie Middleton
- Dr. John Milewski*
- Sam Milham M.D., M.P.H.
- Melinda Joy Miller
- Richard Alan Miller
- Ruth Milstein
- Jerry Mishler*
- Christopher Monckton
- Dr. Patrick Moore
- Julio Morales
- David Morgan
- Dr. Nils Axel Morner*
- Tom Mueller
- Bill Murphy
- John Murphy
- Michael Murphy
- Wendy Murphy, J.D.
- Dr. Robert Myers
- Richard Sauder
- Dr. Nicola Scafetta
- Harrison Schmitt
- John Searl*
- Rupert Sheldrake
- Barbara Sher*
- Joan Shenton
- Dr. Tullio Simoncini*
- Rick Simpson
- Sydney Ross Singer
- Dr. Mark Sircus
- Angela Thompson Smith
- Jeffrey Smith
- Paul Smith
- Dr. Lawrence Solomon
- Dr. Willie Soon
- Dr. Pari Spolter*
- Mark & Marie Stafford
- Donna Steenkamp
- Dave Stetzer
- Sophia Stewart
- Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine*
- George Swanson
- Roni Bell Sylvester
* Indicates our Guests who have sadly passed away. May they rest in peace!