The Call for Transformational Leadership

Categories: Announcements, Editorials & Commentary, Finance & Economics, Law, Government, & Military

It’s one thing to lead when you have the authority to act on your own accord, on behalf of your own team, or, with people in your own country. It’s yet another to lead when you’re forced to be answerable to those people who’re not accountable to you, who have legal power and authority over you, who were never elected by your people. How do you lead your own country, when outside entities are your overlords?

How do you deal with the fact that your country has no legal standing, no real voice, no ability to determine its present and its future? How do you lead without waging war and inadvertently taking your beloved country down in a battle to the death? How do you navigate and speak into the realm, a possibility for a future that appears to be deliberately distorted, silenced and even ignored?

This is the dilemma that many countries find themselves in, who are in the midst of one of the worst economic climates and markets in history, whose runaway economic policies and austerity measures have not only limited the prosperity potential of each country, but, structurally blocked it from becoming a living reality.

In comes France. She’s Sassy, Chic, Creative, Passionate & Very Complicated.

Suffering from massive unemployment and poverty, the likes of which, appears to be spiraling exponentially, French elections have a totally new dimension to them. This upcoming presidential run is going to decide the future of France for many years to come. It’s a complex and highly contentious battle of ideologies, practices and paradigms. The stakes could not be higher. Real leadership is beckoning.

With deep and vast runaway global surveillance and trade agreements that have been generated by people who have a totally different vision and agenda for your country, without your people even knowing what’s being considered, let alone signed, who have no say about it coupled with growing fear, upset, worry, tensions and an economy that’s induced synthetically via central banking, derivatives, credit default swaps and clouded titles, whose manifestations have amounted to the broad sweeping confiscation of wealth and prosperity, suffering is at an all time high.

With escalating counter productive activities connected to war and destabilizing efforts in many countries around the world, growing terrorism and the rhetoric constantly being invoked on the news, a quantum field is being strengthened to invite and continue endless conflict, division, information wars, negativity, and the pollution of our electrical and bio-fields of our beloved hearts and minds.

Everything is being questioned. Every organization and entity that has seized power and is operating to subvert the sovereignty of nations and their people’s should be questioned. It’s one thing to be in an international economic space and to feel connected and to know, that we are all part of a human family and it’s yet another to vision nations so that they move into their own prosperity. With big business in war, conflict, arms, drugs and the confiscation of natural resources, with a command and control based systemic and institutionalized global order, any leader who visions returning their country’s voice and standing, is standing up to the system of systems.

This is why, it’s imperative that I have the opportunity to have a conversation with Madame Marine Le Pen, before the French Election, on April 23rd. While the focus will be on France, the leadership elements in question many nations may be called to face.

Please support this on camera interview, so that generations of people may see and feel the unique dilemmas that many leaders may soon begin facing and the tough calls that are part of their realm. The call is how to move a nation out of bondage into one of prosperity and at the same time, invoking peaceful conditions required to produce just that.

5 comments… add one
  • Pari Spolter Mar 23, 2017 @ 19:53

    Kim You are great.

  • Michael TINGHITELLA Mar 24, 2017 @ 9:54

    The cultural identities of Europe are too diverse for them to function as a United States without perverting and homogenizing the cultures. Yet the this catastrophe is exactly the goal of the EU beaurecrats and globalist oligarchs. Their goals can only he achieved by the destruction of existing and entrained systems of national and cultural identities, self-determination, and national and individual self-reliance. The result of this destruction is nothing less than enslavement and totalitarian control. It is un-natural and perverse, a cultural and economic catastrophe of unprecedented proportions. The unfortunate, horrific and sad state of a affairs in the middle east, a region plagued by poisonous ideology has played into the hands of these would be cultural and economic homogenizer and they are using the flood of refugees as instruments of perturbation of the existing historical cultures, nations, and identities. Chaos will continue to ensue, and only tragedy and enslavement will be the result. It is imperative and urgent that this trajectory is reversed and it can only he done with the return of strong affirmation of the national identities, cultural heritage, and defining aspects of each affected nation. Go Trump! Go LaPen! Lead the way towards a return to order and true cultural diversity – reject perverse homogenization.

  • Maggie M Heinze Mar 24, 2017 @ 12:36

    It is consistently – a first rate refreshment to bask in Kim’s languaging. Her dimensionally-inclusive perceptions provide the space needed to address head-on – with compassion & ownership – the daunting conundrums we MUST face.

    This Is A Conversation To Have


  • Lee Butler Mar 31, 2017 @ 5:46

    Great Call Kim or Great Cool Kim! I wholly support your on camera interview with Madame Marine Le Pen. And a must before the election. I believe it is crucial and imperative for a nation’s people to fully understand the dilemas before them. And what better way to hear them than through the visual impact of an interviewed prospective transformational leader, by an interviewer who understands the questions to be asked and an interviewee who vows to understand and whole heartedly present the wishes of her electors should she be elected.

    Please let me know when it is available to watch and listen.

  • paulina Apr 14, 2017 @ 11:20

    I m french and indeed, would be really curious to hear Kim s interview with Marine Le pen! Would be awesome and would be worth doing it.

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