Due to the fast- acting catastrophic fires in Kim’s former home state of California, she will be doing an immediate talk on what needs to happen to make California better prepared for any future fires. While there are many aspects of known webs of red tape, mismanagement, complex and political inertia and an obvious lack […] Read more
George Swanson, a groundbreaking expert in biological buildings joins us to discuss the transformative benefits of heating and cooling with non-toxic materials. George Swanson is the owner of Swanson and Associates, a pioneering force in the field of non-toxic building materials and methods. He’s also the author of “Breathing Walls,” a comprehensive guide to creating […] Read more
Glyphosate is one of the most toxic chemicals on earth that has been allowed to spread throughout just about all living systems and environments. Not only does it destroy micro-organisms, bacteria, the microbiome, protein synthesis; but it significantly degrades the body’s ability to use and transport sulphur. It’s a destructive chelator and it has a […] Read more
The Grand Solar Minimum is a time when The Sun goes into a kind of hibernation, where Planet Earth will not be receiving the heat it normally depends on to carry out most of life’s necessities. Solar Cycles run every 11 years, some have lasted 6 cycles. Major challenges will be arriving all at once, […] Read more
George Swanson, the author of the bestselling Dome Scrapbook (1981) and co-author of Breathing Walls with Oram Miller (2008) returns 11 years later, after we did this interview with him in 2012: Living, Breathing BuildingsMr. Swanson updates us on the advancements of the building materials space, as well as the exciting biology and scientific differences […] Read more