Dick Allgire is a Professional Remote Viewer who uses his over 3 decades of expertise that allows him to identify specific and highly accurate details about our future. Dick is Formally known for his award-winning television News Journalism as an anchorman, reporter, and producer over at KITV, an ABC News Affiliate in Hawaii. He’s considered […] Read more
Science & Technology
The Grand Solar Minimum is a time when The Sun goes into a kind of hibernation, where Planet Earth will not be receiving the heat it normally depends on to carry out most of life’s necessities. Solar Cycles run every 11 years, some have lasted 6 cycles. Major challenges will be arriving all at once, […] Read more
Given the serious nature of what has unfolded in Gaza, and the rage, upset and frustration around the world; including, the justified concern and fear of a potential war that may not be able to be stopped; Kim has decided not to air the show that was scheduled in October on Abortion. Instead, she’s doing […] Read more
Anyone who wants an effective website will have to consider so many elements about their website ecosystem, including so many different views and opinions from web developers, coders, user interface and graphic experts, bloggers & podcasters, that, the very act of choosing what’s best for one’s offerings, is often met with tremendous complexity, unknown compatibility […] Read more
Kim gives a passionate commentary that’s meant to stimulate thinking about what the news really is and isn’t and to what end “The News” transmits what is truly of import. She also invites you to get involved in what could be a totally different broadcast space. If you find this of value, please share it […] Read more