Dr. Art Robinson – Modern Medical Diagnostics

Categories: Health & Wellness, Science & Technology
Dr. Art Robinson

Dr. Art Robinson

I invited Dr. Art Robinson to discuss modern medical diagnostics on this show. So many people could avoid sickness or death if we could deploy new medical diagnostic devices, applications, and a new industrial complex with public interest at heart. When the will of many is behind a paradigm shift, the speed at which it can happen is shocking.

The paradigm shift Dr. Art Robinson shares would put our health in our own hands and out of the control of authorities that obstruct our ability to choose, make timely decisions, and exercise dominion over our bodies. We can begin listening to our bodies again. But now, we can add advanced and miniaturized medical diagnostic devices into the mix. This should be fully funded as soon as possible – our well-being depends on it!

1 comment… add one
  • Rick * Nov 1, 2014 @ 17:07

    How is the Albedo effect considered in Dr. Robinson’s research?

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