Drawing The Line in The Sand in Texas with The US Constitution

Categories: Emergency & Disaster, Law, Government, & Military, Social Issues

A vintage-style scroll resembling the US Constitution, with a detailed map of the United States focusing on TexasDue to the apparent crisis at the Texas US Border and the influx of what appears to be a well-organized mass migration into the US (via Texas), that’s heating up all over the United States, along with masses of immigrants coming into other borders along the entire United States border, with little to no oversight, It’s Rainmaking Time! is ushering in an Emergency Special to attempt to prevent the escalation of a US Constitutional Crisis of Galactic Preportion but also, a real civil war.

Dr. Edwin Vieira, a Constitutional lawyer with over 50 years of expertise in this rarefied area having won several cases at The US Supreme Court:

  1. Abood vs Detroit Board of Education
  2. Chicago Teachers Union vs Hudson
  3. Communications Workers of America vs Beck

Dr. Edwin Vieira is the author of over 9 books in the Constitutional & Monetary Area, such as “Pieces of Eight”, a two-volume set about The Monetary Powers and Disabilities of the United States Constitution; the most comprehensive study in existence of American Monetary Powers and history from a Constitutional Perspective.

Dr. Vieira also wrote “Constitutional Homeland Security”, “How to Dethrone The Judiciary”,  and many more, returns after his debut in “Calling in The Constitution”, here on It’s Rainmaking Time! for a blockbuster conversation to usher in what we need to know about the inner sanctum of the “Original Constitution” and what it specifically says about Immigration, States rights vs Federal Rights, The Supreme Court, Constitutional Standing & how it’s supposed to work, The Legal Field, Invasion vs Immigration and much more. This conversation moves very fast.

Dr. Edwin Vieira has a way of bringing us into the magnitude of multi-faceted real challenges, ramifications and realities of not only The US Constitution, The Bill of Rights and The Declaration of Independence; but also, brilliantly shares his unique command of history in a way that fast tracks the awareness of their implications, nuances, challenges and Constitutional implications.

Dr. Edwin Vieira delivers what The American people need to examine and clarify as he inspires and awakens those of us who are still asleep about the importance of The US Constitution.

Don’t miss this conversation addressing The Crossroads of American Life!

1 comment… add one
  • Anne Feb 16, 2024 @ 10:26

    I wasn’t aware of what a Living Constitution was until I listened to this podcast. Thanks for doing this interview, Kim.

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