John Searl
Technology pioneer John Searl emerges from the lab to discuss The Searl Effect – an exciting innovation that will make power plants obsolete and power our vehicles into perpetuity for free.
The Searl Effect Generator (SEG) promises to be one of the greatest inventions in human history and a window to a new world of possibilities. It generates electricity without external input (e.g. fossil fuels such as oil or natural gas), producing economically sustainable clean energy. If you’re passionate about eliminating air pollution, solving our looming energy crisis, and supporting unprecedented economic growth, this interview with John Searl is not to be missed!
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It’s interesting about the name of your website. I am just starting to build a FaceBook page for my late father, Don L. Brunton. If you would like to see a REAL Rainmaking machine, as well as hear about applied Tesla technology, take a look and ask me questions.
Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you Kim for conducting this interview. Very exciting. Being an advocate of open source, I have often thought why hardware could not be licenced as open too. You could release the specs for individual components into the public domain as part of one bigger project and gradually bring it all together keeping the magic as a final release so that no-one had a chance to snuff it out.
I knew nothing about this and it has inspired me to look further into this. Hold in your mind the thought of at atomic explosion. Now just think about the concept of having a controlled atomic energy release – a powerful idea. Very exciting. I agree with your assertion that a new paradigm of funding is required. What we need is a pledge system which allows people to pledge without commitment until they have enough certainty that the movement passes the point of no return and it is very difficult to stop. The fight in the arena of suppressing technology has always been about getting the information out. It has never really been about a lack of money. There are more than enough donors out there of the quality you describe. Who wouldn’t want to have their name on the donors list of something like this? Something to leave your grandchildren!
We have the internet now and now is the time to make something like this happen. How long does it take for some gossipy youtube clip to accumulate millions of hits? Sometimes less than a few hours.
We have a window of opportunity at this time to make it work. I really hope we can make something work for us with this.
As usual, I am waiting to see an independant test of this device by a credible source.
“As usual”, this has already been tested and worked perfectly many years ago until some people set fire to his home, took all of his files and the technology as well. In the meantime, some folks with some big vision, real commitment and a ton of Kahunas will need to step in and end our dependancy on oil once and for all.
Hey Kim, you are getting close!
I was just saying I want to see it proven that it works.
I want very much to see free energy discovered.
But I have been fooled so many times by people claiming to have a working device that I want verification.
I ask this man and all others, Why don’t you go to your Congressman, Your Governor, NASA, General Motors, General Electric Honda, Mercedes, Boeing etc. etc. ? and Say I have a working model to show you and to license to you to make billions of dollars and save Earth from everything from Wars over oil, Starvation by being able to desalinate salt water and irrigate deserts and provide drinking water, Clean Energy for Heating, Cooling, Transpiration, Reduced pollution Etc ??
Why do none of the free energy claimants do this ??
I believe it has always been because they know these competent corporations would do a thorough test and prove their device does not work over unity.
The reason is Not that the inventors are trying to keep themselves secret so the govt / oil cartel men in Black will not come after them, Because they are already out in the open with their devices.
Also if the big corporations refuse to look at their devices then those corporations should be exposed.
Michel More got to see Rodger at “GM” maybe these inventors can get him to help.
But for right now I want the answer to why has this inventor Not gone to a big corporation ??
Any answerers ??
Are we a bit of a simpleton?
I can comment on that! Prof. Searl is an absolute selfless person and offering his invention to the WHOLE world and not to anyone or nation separately, thus it could not be used for sinister purposes. Does that answer your question T. Lee Buyea?
It has been 24 hours and no answer to my question below as to why he has not teamed up with a big corpration ?
In response to T Lee Buyea:
I ask this man and all others, Why don’t you go to your Congressman, Your Governor, NASA, General Motors, General Electric Honda, Mercedes, Boeing etc. etc. ?
As the guest stated in the show, his conditions for corporate funding were never met; he wanted free energy made available to everyone, not just as a select few – just as Nikola Tesla did (and that led to Tesla being ostracized by heads of industry).
Furthermore, these organizations aren’t looking for paradigm shifts. This would be a disruptive technology in the same sense that hydrogen-powered automobiles would be disruptive, and that means the interests you listed above would lose money.
and Say I have a working model to show you and to license to you to make billions of dollars and save Earth from everything from Wars over oil, Starvation by being able to desalinate salt water and irrigate deserts and provide drinking water, Clean Energy for Heating, Cooling, Transpiration, Reduced pollution Etc ??
Do you actually believe most corporations are interested in licensing such technology? Or saving the earth? Or creating solutions for humanity that will be the end of their of revenues?
Why do none of the free energy claimants do this ?? I believe it has always been because they know these competent corporations would do a thorough test and prove their device does not work over unity.
Unfortunately, I believe that your notions of the goodwill of corporate interest are misplaced. Using Tesla as an example again, his technology was shunned insofar as the viability of its use in the public arena (i.e. infrastructure) – but, of course, these are the very same technologies used in Alaska’s HAARP installation and by defense companies like Raytheon (which “appropriated” Tesla’s patents).
The reason is Not that the inventors are trying to keep themselves secret so the govt / oil cartel men in Black will not come after them, Because they are already out in the open with their devices.
The guest was well-funded before and his work was completely destroyed. It’s taken him this long to get things going again, because all his documentation was stolen. (This is all covered in the interview.)
Also if the big corporations refuse to look at their devices then those corporations should be exposed.
You’re absolutely right. Why don’t you give it a shot instead of waiting for others to do it? Keep in mind, however, that corporations like Monsanto are exposed all the time – and look at how little that does to prevent them from carrying on. It’s easy to say that the world *should* work a particular way, but that doesn’t always reflect reality unless people work for it en masse, which really hasn’t happened. We need to do a lot more than vote to initiate change!
Michel More got to see Rodger at “GM” maybe these inventors can get him to help.
Apples and oranges. Michael Moore is, for all intents and purposes, an investigative documentarian. He wasn’t trying to release a disruptive free energy technology – one that would pit him against big oil, big energy, and the automotive industry – to the public.
As usual, I am waiting to see an independant test of this device by a credible source.
It is worth investigating the credibility of the sources you deem credible. I recommend that you watch the documentary Who Killed The Electric Car? You’ll learn that oil companies, government, competing technologies, etc. – including some auto manufacturers – are more interested in maintaining control (“market position”) than in producing solutions.
Hey Andrew, I couldn’t have said it any better. You are right on and expressed your (and my) opinion much better. I am just a “handyman” and not particularly formal educated but I have informed myself about many things, of which some are Nikola Tesla, Prof. John R.R. Searl and technologies like Scalar Technology (HAARP), Free Energy and especially Field Propulsion (Viktor Schauberger, T.T. Brown [Bifield Brown Effect] e.t.c.). Sorry about all my comments to some of the posts in this forum but I am getting a bit hot under the collar when I see so much ignorance.
well said, this person is obviously naïve and uneducated in the ways of vested interests.
I did not see/hear the interview, But saying the corporations he contacted would not agree to his terms sounds a lot like every other claimed free energy inventor who always comes up with an excuse why the device is not in production or available for a very serious inspection including not only making sure there are no hidden wires, But also moving it from it’s original location to make sure energy is not being sent to it from microwaves or out of visible light spectrum lasers etc.
and of course dissembly and in the case of corporations deciding to spend a hundred million dollars to gear up to manufacture it, The corporation must be able to reproduce one of their own that also works.
But more important at this point is for him to prove to the corporation that it works ?
(Where is that proof ?)
It sounds like he is just using that excuse to hold off on letting a corporation examine it and getting small investors to invest on faith ?
I am usually the one defending free energy inventors when others say it is impossible to build a free energy device due to currently known laws of physics.
But since we all have been lied to about claimed free energy inventions at least 20 times in the last 20 years, Now all I ask is proof !
Excuses are Not acceptable, If by chance you do have a free energy device that will save planet Earth and you will not submit it to a complete test, Then just hide it and shut up, I can speak for all people interested in free energy, We are tired of claims, Show us Proof !!
I have heard every excuse in the book in my 30 years following free energy devices from Neuman on the Johnny Carson show to Bearden’s MEG (Who’s patent he bragged about, I exposed as not mentioning free energy device anywhere in it), Bedini, The Electric DeLorean guy, The Ireland gang, James Hartley’s water powered generator, The truck driver with Cockatiel on his shoulder and hidden thread powered magnetic motor, On and On and On ! etc. etc. !!
Why wouldn’t a corporation or ten ? Want to be licensed to build it and steal the profit from the oil cartels and also save humanity (Their current and future customers ?)
If he did not give an exclusive licensing deal to just one corporation then he would not need to worry about the first corporation only providing it to the military etc.
But it would prove the device works, Something neither he nor any free energy inventor ever wants to do ! ??
Tesla was stopped because he was going to send the electricity through the air and there was no way for Thomas Edison who was funding him to put a meter on the users and charge them.
The same Edison who invented the electric chair and got the Governor to use it as a method of execution to supposably show that Tesla’s alternating current was more dangerous that his DC Direct current generating power plants he already had millions of dollars invested in building.
You say why don’t I give it a try ?
(Presenting a free energy device to a big corporation)
I would love to, Are you saying I can start contacting corporations and you will come with me to see them bringing along your working device and let them inspect it closely ??
T Lee Buyea have you ever researched any of your comments above? You are shooting into the dark here. Tesla was never funded by Edison who stole his ideas. J.P. Morgan funded and then shut down Tesla because he couldn’t see any profit in these ideas. Read my other comments to some of these ignorant posts in tis forum and it will make it clear to you where you come from.
You didn’t listen to the interview, but you’re trying to discredit the guest?
“The opposite of creativity is cynicism.” ~Esa Saarinen
Forgive me, but I feel the need to comment more elaborately.
First of all: I see you’re representing a news service. Shouldn’t you do the research before essentially calling someone a fraud? I’d like to think journalists are inclined to do their homework.
Secondly: most of your questions are answered in the interview.
But more important at this point is for him to prove to the corporation that it works? (Where is that proof ?) It sounds like he is just using that excuse to hold off on letting a corporation examine it and getting small investors to invest on faith ?
How would you know whether he’s making excuses at all if you didn’t listen to the interview?
But it would prove the device works, Something neither he nor any free energy inventor ever wants to do ! ??
How would you know what he wants to do if you didn’t listen to the interview?
Tesla was stopped because he was going to send the electricity through the air and there was no way for Thomas Edison who was funding him to put a meter on the users and charge them.
Exactly. He wanted people to have energy for free. I think it highly unlikely that energy interests want that.
The same Edison who invented the electric chair and got the Governor to use it as a method of execution to supposably show that Tesla’s alternating current was more dangerous that his DC Direct current generating power plants he already had millions of dollars invested in building.
Please let me help you. It’s “supposedly”, not “supposably”. Google tells me you’ve made this mistake before.
You say why don’t I give it a try ? (Presenting a free energy device to a big corporation)
No. I was clearly responding to your statement about how corporate interest that oppresses humanity should be exposed. If you’re representing a news service, that’d be a pretty good story.
Edison did not fund Tesla, J.P. Morgan did!
First the reasons I did Not listen to the interview are one, I did not and still do not see a link to it ? Second I probably would not be able to see or hear it if it is audio or video with this WebTV Computer terminal.
If you can send me a link I will try to hear it, I may be able to if it is the correct type audio, Or if there is a text version I will read it.
You question my spelling ?
If it was not for spell check I would be lost, But we all have different abilities and disabilities.
I am a licensed auto mechanic, Aircraft mechanic (avionics technician) Radio and TV Station engineer and have a FCC First Class Radio & Telephone license with radar endorsement the highest certification the U.S. Government has for electronics technology knowledge.
so I know the basics about electronic equipment and how it works.
Now since my earlier posts in looking for the interview link, I see more information about the device, and I remember hearing him interviewed on Coast to Coast, His last device took off and flew through the ceiling and is still traveling in outer space ? !
The device creates a different type of electricity than normal Direct Current or alternating current ?
I suppose this makes it impossible to measure by meters or oscilloscopes made by mere mortals at Hewlet Packard or General Electric ?
Is Kim just a reporter or a person experienced in free energy technology and scams ?
From my experience in the field of free energy it has less than 1% women in it even monitoring inventors claims.
I still say where is the proof it works or at least an open invitation for anyone to come see it work and inspect it ?
Very Intresting read, I hope you don’t mind if I link to this. Amazing interview good luck to you
How do we get involved in this. Is their anything we can do to help this come forward to the world. just tell me anything i can do to help this and im in
Hi Jonathan, go to http://www.searlsolution.com/members/technology5.html read all of his materials and “books”, don’t get turned off by John’s language, understand what he is trying to do, buy his DVD’s and “Books” to support him, join his “Members only” website (that will cost you more yet) and in general keep an open mind. Prof. John R.R. Searl is a GENIUSS and thus eccentric!
Here is a link to a documentary about open source hardware:
The documentary features 3d printers e.g. the one that is able to produce plastic products. I was more interested in open sourcing the knowledge required to reproduce something like a computer or at least its components. The same could be true for any kind of machine.
I’m all for sharing this knowledge in this way but with all credits going to those who have done the imagining and the work to bring it to fruition. The most important thing would be the inability of anyone to falsely lay claim to patent protection where they had no input into the technology in the first place.
Usually these are people who rely on state subsidies and state intervention to ensure their survival in a free market.
I believe magnets will be the key for power plants and water to hydrogen (HOD-Hydrogen On Demand) will be the key for fueling vehicles (also power plants). There has GOT to be a configuration for setting up magnetic arrays to take advantage of repulsive (or attracting, or a combination of both) forces. Consider the power to be generated by 1000 magnets with 50-100 lbs of repulsive force each?! I realize that my nomenclature and process description are not that scientific sounding, but hey, I’m not a scientist. Sometimes it’s the one that isn’t bogged down by what science says can’t be done, and is just stupid enough to go ahead and do it, that goes ahead and solves the problem. There’s force there to be harnessed, so harness it. I suggest that once someone get’s a working model, put it out there! Once the genies out of the bottle, government and monopoly business are thru, and quite frankly, they deserve it with their nasty, greedy asses. But jim, you say, what will become of all the people who rely on energy production and distribution? They will become manufacturers, installers, and maintainers of the NEW ENERGY GRID!! Besides, what has become of all our industry workers by allowing our mafia puppet government to ship all of our manufacturing jobs overseas? They are nasty, foul, disgusting, traitorous, anti-American, sacks of dog shit, who have betrayed our country and sent it into a death spiral! All because THEY fell into the fame and greed trap laid out by their FOREIGN puppet masters! “Free” energy equals no more wars for oil, period! Take the profit away, and no one wants to play. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!! Time to kick it into high gear. Remember, LOOSE LIPS SINKS SHIPS.
you’re on the right side of the coin. I think these technologies already exist and are being utilized in top secret programs. Essentially, you run into the issue of the economy and peoples agendas. You also have to consider that most of the neodymium isn’t MINED in the united states. In order for Searles Ideas to be implemented, it’s not about him DEMONSTRATING that it WORKS, but that it can be USED economically. Something that provides enough energy for EVERYONE with little cost is actually NOT ECONOMICAL. There is no scarcity at this point. So, if you can come up with a way to make one of these generators that only “kind of” works you could use it in reality and make money off of it. It’s better for this technology to get in the “wrong hands” and be utilized to exploit people than in the “right hands” and have no one be interested in it. It’s not happy-go-lucky, by any means. … but i do think it’s true.
I’m curious if there has been any progress in getting funding for John Searl’s project since this interview. A lot of time has passed since the interview so I’m assuming you or others have started some funding campaigns for Mr. Searl’s work. Could you fill us in? Thank you.
Where’s the proof? He claims it will improve health because dust particles drop to the floor in its presence because it emits negative ions. He claims it cools more and more as it generates energy, so women who vacuum will enjoy a cooler room. He claims that he proved 100% that being in its presence makes you no longer get tired and a typing pool he tested it on made no mistakes in spelling while nearby the device. He claims it sucks in the energy around it, but it doesn’t need energy to operate. He claims it can fly around and did so many times. He claims the three months it took to build each one was too long and I suppose that’s why he hasn’t built another in 30+ years. With all these claims he needs to provide at least some proof other than stories and conspiracies…
I have left the following comment on the website recommended by RAVEN above:
Since I do not want to join this or any other group, I am commenting on your comment above. Most of the posts I have been reading here are absolutely ignorant and unknowledgeable. I see that most of the commentators have never researched or read Prof. Sear’s writings, nor have they joined his “insider” website to access all the information supplied by him. He comes across as very uneducated in his writings and he has some eccentricity to the “books” he has published. But if you read it all without prejudice you will realize that he is an absolute genius, ignoring the tirades about some of his “enemies”. You also will realize that he is perfectly right in his science and did perform as claimed. Unfortunately as I have written above the “money bags” of this world do not want this “cat” to come out of the sack. Fortunately Prof. Searl never gave up and has come back by installing many facilities throughout the world and has partnered with John Thomas in the US, the only other person on this planet who knows what Prof. Searl is doing and trying to achieve. Obviously Prof. Searl will not be with us for too many years anymore and this way his invention will be guaranteed to continue until either the “human” race smartens up, or John Thomas can find the funds and the production facilities necessary to come on the WORLD market (No other way).
I am also appalled by the attitude of many of the “contributors” to this forum and their absolutely ignorant comments without ever having read and viewed all of Prof. Searl’s materials.
Comments to my observations are welcome and that is why I am signing this with my full name and address.
Thank you,
Mike Gaensslen
I myself like a few of the comments made the wonder of it (real or fake) so i got together a few of my friends and brought about the interest of the John Searl (S.E.G) motor to build one to see if it really works. We got all the materials together took us (6) six weeks and we started to but this motor together slowly and carefully following all the instructions by sight + by viewing + by ear and (4) four months later we gave it a good check over to make sure all was in place and correct we had compleated the S.E.G motor it now became time to give it a run.I do want to tell all those who comment on John Searl motor,it is amazing motor it really does work and it does every thing as John Searl states and the healing side of it does speed up healing.If anyone wants to build one and try it we say to them go for it and find for yourselves what we found.
Where is your proof that you have built this? Nobody but nobody else then Prof. Searl has ever built a SEG or IGV that functioned perfectly. Everyone else has always failed miserably, other the two Russian scientists who built and run something like an SEG but not really the same.
http://www.change.org/petitions/u-s-government-immediately-fully-fund-prof-john-searl-s-s-e-g-project?utm_source=guides&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=petition_created. Please sign and share
Have you examined your brains lately?
This is totally against Prof. Searl’s wishes, if your have ever read his material.
Hi Allan, I find it absolutely appalling to “promote” your website in this place. It has nothing to do with the theme above and is distracting. Even though it is a very nice website and absolutely current, it has no “business” here. The “Love” you are talking about will do nothing to help Prof John R.R. Searl. He and Mr. John Thomas need financial help and not “Love”