It’s Rainmaking Time!™ has opted to define a site policy in the interest of setting the stage for open-mindedness, polite discourse, and respectful user/admin interaction within the context of startling and sometimes controversial information. Policy feedback is welcome and encouraged.
- Site admins reserve the right to adjust site policy as needed. We assume the need to do so will arise as site traffic increases and we are faced with new issues.
- Site content is subject to change in the name of refinement.
- Admins will not respond to contact written in a disrespectful tone. Constructive criticism, topic or guest recommendations, and polite feedback are welcome.
- All comments are moderated. Respectful, relevant, lively debate and commentary is encouraged. Inappropriate posts will be deleted. “Inappropriate” includes, but is not limited to:
- Use of profanity
- Irrelevant and unrelated topics
- Trolling
- Flame wars
- Name-calling
- Hate speech
- Rudeness
- Spamming
- Threats
- The severity of a user infraction may necessitate the notification of authorities in order to mitigate potential legal liabilities.
- User anonymity will be regarded with suspicion proportionate to the tone of the comment. Consistently negative anonymous commentary or inappropriate behavior may inspire site admins to publicly reveal your IP address, or to investigate and/or report it to appropriate parties (i.e. your ISP, law enforcement agencies, etc.).
- Unless you are a sponsor or advertiser, It’s Rainmaking Time!™ will not allow you to promote your company, website, product, or service. This does not mean you may not mention them, but be aware of the context in which you do so.
- We will not sell any information we may collect from site users. Contact information may be harvested to populate a strict opt-in only email list.
- Content policy (adapted from Lorelle VanFossen’s content policy – thank you, Lorelle!)
- All site content belongs to It’s Rainmaking Time!™ You may share the information within Fair Use (no more than 10% or 400 words) to copy, distribute and display under the following conditions:
- Attribution: You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work).
- Noncommercial: You may not use this work for commercial purposes. Ads on the site may imply the site is commercial as ads generate income.
- No Derivative Works: You may not alter, transform, or build upon our work (articles, audio, images, or anything else).
- No Published Translations: Published human and machine translations beyond Fair Use violate our copyright policy.
- US Copyright Law: US Copyright Law protects this site’s content above and beyond the license by the Creative Commons.
- Feeds: Use of feeds from this site are for personal use, not commercial. Republishing content from this site via feeds is permitted as titles and excerpts, as part of Fair Use, at the discretion of the blog author and owner. Scraping (using feeds as a replacement for content) is not permitted without the express permission of the copyright holder. Any use or republishing of full or excerpted content as a replacement for content is not permitted.
- Moral Rights: Nothing in this license impairs or restricts the author’s moral rights.
- Usage With Permission: Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. For any reuse or distribution of the content with permission, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. The best way to do this is to link to us.
Thank you for taking the time to review our policy. We appreciate your participation!