In order to change our political system, we have to understand it first. Jack Abramoff, Washington D.C.’s most notorious former lobbyist and the author of Capitol Punishment, shares his insights into how it works – and what we can do to reform it.
International attorney Richard Fine, formerly with the Justice Department, was disbarred and put in solitary confinement for 18 months when he stood up to the judicial system in California for bribery and corruption.
Whistleblower Karen Hudes has an interesting role to play in life; her passion is holding others accountable to the rule of law. She shares the inner workings of The World Bank and offers unusual information from an insider’s point-of-view.
Wendy Murphy, J.D., is a fearless and groundbreaking attorney who represents crime victims, women, children, and victim service providers. Join us as we discuss her first book And Justice For Some, an exposé of the lawyers and judges who let dangerous criminals go free.
Antitrust attorney George Farah, the founder and Executive Director of Open Debates, joins us with the inside story on the presidential debates and discusses the future of American politics, the erosion of the democratic process, and what we can do about it.