Sydney Ross Singer and Soma Grismaijer stunned the world in 1995 with their book Dressed To Kill, which explored the link between bras and breast cancer. Find out how your own attitudes and behaviors contribute to disease, and how simple lifestyle changes can lead you back to health.
Join us with Robert Rockaway, the author of But He Was Good To His Mother, as he shares the real world accounts of the Jewish Mafia and how it began in America.
Former Clicquot, Inc. CEO, author, and “high priestess of French lady wisdom” Mireille Guiliano discusses her book Women, Work, and the Art of Savoir Faire.
Lance Trumbull is the producer and director of Everest: A Climb for Peace. Join us for a beautiful story about overcoming cultural adversity.
Mireille Guiliano, the author of French Women Don’t Get Fat, reintroduces us to romance and shares her insights on French culture and food.