Richard Sauder – Shamanic Abuse and Hidden Danger in The Amazon

Categories: Law, Government, & Military, Social Issues
Richard Sauder

Richard Sauder

Peace activist and author Richard Sauder went to the Amazon four years ago. In 2013, he encountered startling abuse and darkness when he entrusted a shaman to work with him. Because many of us assume that shamans are well-intentioned and responsibly use their power, it’s important to hear his experience so that those of you who decide to work with a shaman in a foreign country use the highest level of discernment.

Our guest was taken against his will, drugged, and brutalized repeatedly. He spent many months in the hospital after this experience and is still in very bad shape physically. But he’s standing up in the Amazon and not allowing this shaman to continue this behavior. Apparently, this shaman has acted out like this before with others. Mr. Sauder has called upon legal counsel in the Amazon to take this matter to court. He is seeking damages, and to put this shaman in jail for assault and battery. He urgently needs funds to pay for legal counsel to wrap up this matter once and for all.

In this segment, Richard Sauder also shares about another very important hushed subject in the Amazon: headhunting, and what is really going on there where visitors are disappearing. Tune in as the author of Hidden in Plain Sight and The Richard Sauder Briefing brings us a shocking tale of the darkest side of the Amazon.

7 comments… add one
  • mhikl Jun 6, 2014 @ 16:11

    Creepy stuff, but warning clearly received.
    Kim I would be very interested to hear you interview Graham Hancock. Really, his wide research could take up a number of interviews. He does a lot of interviews: he does want to spread the messages in his findings. (Many of his interviewers, I might add, are not up to your calibre of sleuthing) .
    I have become very interested in the powers of Ayawaska (Ayahuasca) so the information in this interview is crucially important. People are warned to choose their shaman wisely but how does one do so in a foreign country in a very foreign culture. Actually one does not have to leave home to find a qualified shaman. From indications, there is a move on to spread the knowledge and journey of enlightenment throughout the world by shaman from Peru and elsewhere. Not being one for the use of drugs of any kind, I must say I am intrigued by the reported benefits of ayawaska under the supervision and guidance of a genuinely caring shaman. Quick fixes are rarely what they claim, but there is a belief that Ayawaska and its relative plants may have been the trigger that sparked the consciousness of our species. But if it were just a stoned high, I would never bother with the time to learn the history of this practice.

    Again, Graham Hancock would fit right in with the quality of new thought you are bringing to us. I see such a connexion with many of your interviews with the electric universe at the centre. There is also a sense about that we are in for a change in times, that the plutocracy that rules our every move may be in for a very rough ride that just may end in a swing to the hoosegow.

    Namaste and care,
    mhikl (Michael)

    • Andrea Salazar Velez Jul 20, 2014 @ 11:40

      Con todo respeto.. me entristece mucho el leer y escuchar esta entrevista, no solo porque carece de verdad sino también porque se utilizan medios respetables y entrevistadores responsables que con muy buena fe caen en estas patrañas.
      Es lamentable que por el hecho de ser extranjero provoque estos incidentes que perjudican no solo a las culturas amazónicas sino a todo un País (ECUADOR).

      El mismo shamán que ahora es atacado es quien durante un año fue su mejor amigo y a quien usted ¨Dr. Sauder¨ incitó a apropiarse de la finca donde residió durante ese año;
      Ahora dice usted que ha sido victima de maltratos…es que acaso no recuerda que fue usted quien se preparó y tomó ese brebaje de manera irresponsable sin tener custodia de una persona experta en el tema (las diferentes hierbas y raíces en la selva pueden ser muy peligrosas) porque el shaman al que usted hace alusión no se encontraba ese día en la finca.

      Ante tales aberraciones creo aconsejable que el shaman proceda a una contrademanda
      por injurias calumniosas y a su vez acuda a la Embajada Americana para denunciar este hecho en vista de que sus declaraciones carecen de logica.

  • mhikl Jul 20, 2014 @ 18:03

    I do not think any shame nor anger was meant to the Amazon, to the cultures of the region, nor to the people who live there.
    Mr Sauder had a very bad experience. Bad experiences can happen anywhere, in every country. Every country has bad people who do harm to others, just as all countries have people with true loving kindness in their hearts and are willing to help others.
    From this interview I felt good-will and kindness towards the good Shamans who are trying to bring this important shamanistic experience to the west. We in the West, need this support very much.

    • Andrea Salazar Velez Jul 20, 2014 @ 18:50

      Gracias por su respuesta, es muy importante para nosotros que se siga de cerca esta situación, principalmente cuando se suscitan hechos como este, provocados por la irresponsabilidad de algunas personas con el fin de sacar provecho.

      Asi como el Dr. Sauder busco amparo legal; el shaman respaldado por extranjeros y nativos que lo conocen bien va a proceder legalmente y pedir a la Embajada Americana asesoramiento al respecto.

      • mhikl Jul 23, 2014 @ 14:34

        Truly there are always 2 sides to every story and we must always stop to think about what might be the other side to the story. Too often we forget, and though I do try to remember, I often forget this.
        Thank you for your information. I like to keep an open mind and to check out both sides to most stories.
        Namaste and care,

        En verdad, siempre hay 2 lados en cada historia y siempre deben dejar de pensar en lo que podría ser la otra cara de la historia. Con demasiada frecuencia nos olvidamos, y aunque yo trato de recordar, a menudo olvidamos esto.
        Gracias por su información. Me gusta mantener la mente abierta y de revisar ambos lados de la mayoría de las historias.
        Namaste y cuidado,

  • jason oconnor Aug 15, 2023 @ 12:33

    I’m extremely interested in getting in contact w Richard Sauder! I lived in Ecuador for 7 years and hope to go back soon to attend to some properties I have there. The books he’s written and information he’s presented are nothing short of amazing!! If anyone knows how I might contact him via email, phone, a conference, etc please please notify me. I have some important information to offer and business to attend to with him.
    Muchisimas gracias

    • Kim Greenhouse Sep 8, 2023 @ 15:51

      If we can get in touch with him at this time, we will certainly pass on your email to him.

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