Dr. Angus McIntosh – The Water Law Matrix

Categories: Law, Government, & Military

The United States has laws on the books dealing with water as a resource to be managed, issued as a kind of property right. Split estate laws, which were historically developed in England and Spain, are a body of property laws under which landowners have different water rights depending on whether the property sits on the east or west side of the 100th meridian. Dr. Angus McIntosh, an expert in constitutional law and property evaluation, has pioneered a new way to evaluate split estates for ranches. A former U.S. Forestry Department employee in the field of Range Management, Dr. McIntosh is a paid consultant and expert witness for ranchers with respect to federal land management cases.

At a time when aquifers are being seized, rationed, and metered by governments and municipalities, it is critically important to understand what split estate laws really mean and how they are applied. Since there are snowmelt and rainfall water shortages in the USA, and we are not currently utilizing other water sources that are available all over the country and the world, it is very important to know the law.

This segment touches on a number of important resources issues facing the U.S. today, including water rights, the appropriation doctrine, the Riperion doctrine, Spanish and English law, ground water, and important landmark cases in the Supreme Court. Join us as we explore what appears to be a Water Law Matrix with guest Dr. Angus McIntosh.

2 comments… add one
  • Dan Hampton Mar 21, 2016 @ 22:18

    Profound! Please reference case law in which you have succeeded over ownership of rights, be they water wells, pipelines, reservoirs, roads, ditches, or any other conveyance on blm lands. I have watched several of your videos on private property rights and need more notes.
    Thanks so much,

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