The low-fat, heart-healthy approach has put us on the losing side of the battle of the bulge. Robb Wolf, the author of The Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet, presents a deeper look into the Paleo Diet and its implications for established nutritional wisdom.
What Should We Eat?
Professor Brian Peskin discusses parent essential oils (PEOs), the role of EFAs in the body’s metabolic pathways, and explains why everything we know about the science of fish oil is wrong.
After being bound to a wheelchair for four years, she took a stand against multiple sclerosis – and won. Join us with Dr. Terry Wahls, a living testimonial that food is medicine.
You’ll never look at bread the same way again. Wheat Belly author Dr. William Davis shares his startling findings on wheat in this eye-opening segment.
Private nutritional counselor Dr. Ray Peat, a pioneer in hormone research, discusses his findings on thyroid, coconut oil, and more.