Nobel Prize candidate Dr. Richard Lippman, the author of Stay 40 Without Diet or Exercise, guides us through the realm of cutting edge anti-aging research.
Vitamins and Supplements
Private nutritional counselor Dr. Ray Peat, a pioneer in hormone research, discusses his findings on thyroid, coconut oil, and more.
Naturopathic doctor and author Dr. Bruce Fife sets the record straight on coconut oil. Tune in and discover the incredible health benefits locked within the mysterious island fruit!
Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, the author of One Man Alone: An Investigation of Nutrition, Cancer, and William Donald Kelley, discusses Kelley Therapy – a fascinating nutritional paradigm for healing degenerative diseases.
International Medical Veritas Association (IMVA) head Dr. Mark Sircus discusses the current medical paradigm, the health benefits of baking soda, and more.