In Blessing the Hands that Feed Us, bestselling author Vicki Robin presents an inspiring memoir and a guide to the challenges and opportunities of eating and buying food locally (within a 10-mile radius of your home). We explore the experiences that shaped her book, the rights and health issues that underscore the locavore movement, and the vital role of local food systems in health, community, economy, and sovereignty.
Urban Food Production
David Hudson, a former cotton farmer from Arizona, discovered Ormus – a unique class of mineral nutrients that seem to be essential for plants, animals, and people – on his farm in the late 70’s and early 80’s. Join us as we explore Ormus with Barry Carter, a steward of the library of all things Ormus.
While city planners work to establish frameworks for urban food production and trade, Lettuce Evolve founder John Murphy has developed a novel approach for bringing food production into the home – no matter how small your home may be.
Marilyn and Paul Brentlinger, the owners of Crop King, give us invaluable insight into the exciting world of hydroponics.