Science & Technology

Nikola Tesla, the progenitor of radiant energy research, sought to tap into the rarefied pulse of a primal energy existing everywhere in the universe. After 25 years of research, Tom Paladino appears to have effectively harnessed radiant energy – also known as prana, qi, zero point energy, orgone, or scalar energy – for the remote healing of pathogenic disease.

Sam Milham, M.D., M.P.H. was the first scientist to alert the world to the dangers of dirty electricity. Tune in as he explains our power grid and shares his insights about the steps we can take to protect ourselves against dirty electricity.

After Dr. Don Easterbrook testified before the Senate Energy, Environment & Telecommunications Committee regarding climate change, the scientific community – including faculty at Western Washington University – ran character assassination pieces about him in Associated Press. Dr. Easterbrook and astrophysicist Dr. Gordon Fulks present a whole systems approach to understanding climate change, and discuss the difference between data and dogma.

David Hudson, a former cotton farmer from Arizona, discovered Ormus – a unique class of mineral nutrients that seem to be essential for plants, animals, and people – on his farm in the late 70’s and early 80’s. Join us as we explore Ormus with Barry Carter, a steward of the library of all things Ormus.